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Friday, March 29, 2013


Where I live everything seems to liquify in the spring. Even the air has a cleansing wet glaze to it. I'm sure this happens in many places around the world, so it's nothing special. However, I find when I'm craving art this time of year I tend to lean towards watercolors. Watercolors happen to be one of my least favorite mediums, which means they surprise me each time I dabble in them.

This painting is of a flower, of sorts (not really sure what type of flower it was), my daughter picked for us to paint. I actually discarded it after I painted it, using the rest of the sheet to test a few techniques on. When I came back to it after it dried I was surprised by how much I liked it. 

In fact, I like it so much I might even frame this little gem to remind me to not be so quick to dismiss, to slow down a little, and have a bit more patience when I paint.

Medium: Watercolor on Paper

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Summer Lilly in Color - Update

Here she is, all finished. We gave the original to my Mother-in-Law for Christmas this year. After Christmas I took her in to get it matted and framed. I love how it turned out. It is always fun to see your art all dressed up and ready to display. I don't think I will ever get over the giddy feeling that comes with seeing a piece completely finished (frame and all) for the first time.

The mat is actually a Mauve Taupe, similar to this primrose, but the lighting in this picture makes it look brown.

Do you know who invented the color mauve?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Scribble of Trees

I needed a mini vacation so I scribbled these trees on a lake. 
Somehow it helped, but now I want to go camping. 

Medium: Permanent Marker on White Paper with Digital Finishing